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Awards Evening - Celebrating Excellence from the last academic year

Chloe Witherden / Categories: General

Awards Evening - Celebrating Excellence from the last academic year

On Monday 16th October, we held our annual Awards Evening. The evening celebrated student excellence from the last academic year. The evening began with a video from our guest speaker and ex-student, Maddie Martin, followed by the awards ceremony.


Awards included subjects, top progress and awards from the governors for an excellent demonstration of the academy's values and a community-nominated award.


  • Micah received the "Ambition" award: "Micah helped with photography at events last year such as Sports Day. He was determined to learn how to use the camera and took some fantastic action shots which we are using in some of our marketing materials. " - Mrs Munns
  • Eva received the "Respect" award: "Eva is an exemplary student of Castle View Academy who embodies the value of respect in a kind and assured way. She is always polite and respectful towards staff, students and visitors and is a great example to other students at the academy." - Mr Lambert
  • Owen received the "Determination" award: "Owen has worked tirelessly throughout Year 10 to ensure that his work is of a standard that he can be proud of. He will complete all set Homework and ensure that he meets all deadlines. Owen has gone above and beyond in some subjects, completing his own independent study and ensuring that he was well prepared for his end of year mock exams. Owen has spoken openly about his plans for his future career and clearly has his sights set on achieving his career goals. He has been an excellent role model to his peers, younger students and all involved in CVA." - Mr Aston
  • Chase was nominated by two members of the community: "Chase helped our children after school when they were being bullied and pushed around by a group of kids. He stayed with them and supported by making a phone call home and speaking to mum when they were too upset to do it. He offered to walk them home to make sure they got home safe and waited with them until adults arrived to collect them. He was amazing and helped calm them down a bit. He could easily have continued walking and ignored the situation, but he chose to help. To know there are children like Chase out there being raised to have empathy and compassion for others can give us all a bit of hope."


A huge congratulations to all the students who received an award!


Maddie's video can be watched here: copy_B6CA1B90-FD48-47CC-8592-38D0D78190C2 (1).MOV

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